Yesterday I got a message from Facebook, that I was censored for the second time and if there will be a third time, they will close my account. I did not know that I have been censored before, so I was surprised.
I wanted to know what I have done that is so terrible that I cannot be part of the Facebook
The awful two things I have done are these:
First censor
I attatched the image and wrote: “In the christian and muslim world, I will be in flames for eternity. Loving religion? Religion of peace? .... NOT!”
I find it astonishing that we accept ideologies that put out these threats. It indicates that we are very tolerant. But Facebook is intolerant in not letting me show that I am not the bad actor here since I do not put a threat of burning people, not even om gods. It is christianity and islam that puts a threat on me and my atheist friends. Take a look at the image. It says that Hitler had about 6-7 million Jews, Roms, socialist and functionally handicapper put on to flames. And rightly we call him sick sociopath. But islam and christianity, that at the end have promised to throw a large part of humanity into flames, they are called religion of peace? ... NOT!
Well, my way of reasoning and my way to make a joke of a terrible fact, is censored at Facebook. It is not accepted at Facebook.
Second censor
Next censorship is more complicated.
It started with me putting out a comment and a photo (see at the end).
My comment: “The more you speak against the Nazi's the more violent they will be? So, be silent and accept their imhuman ideology? No, I will always say good about the good and evil about the evil.” (misspelling is in the original since I quate exactly)
Then I had a conversation on Facebook with a friend - that now is erased. He is muslim and a believer of islam, so we have had our discussions. He asked me if he was a terrorist because he was muslim. I wrote that he has to understand that it is not me claiming that muslims are terrorists. It is Malala, claiming that critique of islam transforms muslims into terrorists. What I criticize is that she makes all muslims potential terrorists and she put out a threat to all of us that criticize islam. (What I did not write is that she reduce the terrorist to become but victims of our critique, without any independent mind of themselves.)
I wrote a comment to him, and here comes the text that Facebook censored, and made into the second and last text I could write like this before being excluded from Facebook:
“because the muslims are all potential terrorist, if you have opinion about their religion. OK, then I say, have one negativa opinion about my research and I kill you. Not much of free society ....”
In the flow of debate with him, I hope that everyone could understand that what I am saying is that it is not me, but Malala that claims that critique of islam push people to become terrorists. If I would have made the same claim, it would be, as I write, that if you criticize my research, I could become terrorist and want to kill people. But it is not me that put out the threat. It is Malala. It is not me that ask people to be silent. It is Malala.
But Facebook censor my comment on the threat Malala put on us.
I think the world is up-side down, when one person, Malala, and two religions can put out threats of killing and burning, while we, that are going to be killed and burned, cannot comment on it.
Öllsjö 22 February 2019